Before Procedures
Yellowstone Surgery Center provides outpatient services where you are not ‘admitted’ and you typically go home the same day that you visited the surgery center.
Day of Procedure
Review Instructions on when to stop eating/drinking along with any Medication guidelines.
Important information about your payment responsibility, contacting your insurance company, and how Yellowstone Surgery Center bills.
Prepare your home as needed. That includes purchasing any items required for your recovery. Examples include: stool softeners, and prescriptions (if given to you in advance).
Also known as a Pain Contract. If you have a Pain Services Agreement, contact your pain provider to help you manage your pain following surgery. Per your contract in place, prescriptions may not be issued.
You must arrange for an adult to be with you. They are responsible for signing you out and transporting you home and stay with you for a minimum of 24 hours after your procedure.
Consider wearing glasses the day of the procedure and bring necessary contact lenses and glass container(s).
Remove nail polish and acrylic nails.
All jewelry must be removed, including ALL body piercing jewelry.
Leave jewelry, money, weapons and other valuables at home.
Wear loose fitting and comfortable clothing. Consider wearing slip-on shoes. If staying overnight, pack comfortable clothing. You may wish to bring pillows or blankets for your trip home.
If you develop a cold, persistent cough, fever, rash, open wound, current infection, any other health-related problems, or if you need to cancel your procedure, please notify your physician’s office as soon as possible. For the safety of our patients and their families, please make sure any family or friends that accompany you are also in good health.
You have the option to complete your pre-registration in advance by going to either Yellowstone Surgery Center location prior to your procedure. Or click on the Patient Registration button in the top right hand corner of the website.
Fill out your One Medical Passport by clicking the Patient Registration page in the upper right hand corner of the website.
Yellowstone Surgery Center provides outpatient services where you are not ‘admitted’ and you typically go home the same day that you visited the surgery center.
Review the checklist for Preparing Your Home and use as a guideline based on the procedure you are having done. These items do not apply to all procedures.
Applicable to procedures that require walking aides as part of the recovery
Applicable to procedures that require walking aides as part of the recovery
Healthy food choices build up strength and tissues in your body. Choosing more fruits, vegetables and liquids a few days before surgery will ease the stress on your digestive system.
Tracking diet and exercise has been shown to improve weight loss. To calculate your calorie needs, the Mifflin-St.Jeor equation is the most accurate. To use this equation to track your daily calorie needs, go to There are several apps and other websites that make it easy to track your food intake and exercise. You may also choose to use a pedometer, smart watch, or a fitness band.
Recommendations for general health benefits:
Moderate Intensity – 150 minutes of activity per week (30 minutes, 5 days/week)
Vigorous Intensity – 75 minutes of activity per week (15 minutes, 5 days/week)
Resistance Exercises – 2 days/week
For moderate weight loss (5-7 lbs) – 150-225 minutes of activity per week
For significant weight loss (10-15 lbs) – 225-420 minutes of activity per week
If you quit smoking before you have surgery, you can increase your ability to heal. Smoking will:
Select from the Following Items for Your Procedure Guide
Suggestions and Recommendations before your Surgery
Day of Surgery Timeline and What to Know
Information to Know and Understand Before You’re Discharged