During Pre-Op you will meet with your anesthesiologist. They will review your medical history, complete physical examination and discuss any concerns or questions you may have regarding anesthesia. At this time you will be asked to sign and date the Patient Consent for Anesthesia. Below is an overview of the consent for you to read and review prior to your surgery.
I understand that:
- I need anesthesia services for the procedure(s), and the type of anesthesia will depend upon the procedure and my physical condition.
- Conditions may arise that require additional or different anesthetic monitoring or techniques the anesthesiologist may provide and/or obtain any other necessary service for my benefit and well-being.
- My anesthetic may be provided by an anesthesiologist, other than those named here.
- No guarantees of outcomes have been made by anyone regarding anesthesia services.
- I understand that residents, nurses or students may participate in my care under the direction of my Anesthesiologist.
I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about my anesthesia. I feel that I have been given sufficient information regarding the anesthesia choices indicated about, to give the information consent. I agree to the administration of the anesthesia prescribed for me. I recognize the alternative to acceptance of anesthesia might be no anesthesia for the procedure or cancellation of the procedure.