Myringotomy with Tubes (Ear Tubes)

A myringotomy is the insertion of small tubes into a child’s ear to help prevent ear infections by draining fluid that gathers in the middle ear. Normally, this fluid would drain with the help of eustachian tubes, but eustachian are small enough in young children that they may not work as well as they will once children have grown. The tubes that are inserted into a child’s ear are made of metal, plastic, or Teflon, and they are so small that they’re difficult to see with the naked eye. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 are the mostly likely to benefit from a myringotomy, and the eustachian tubes in children’s ears have grown large enough by the time they are five years old that they drain any fluid well enough on their own.

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2900 12th Avenue North #350 W
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 238-6161

When Procedure is Used

A myringotomy is the insertion of small tubes into a child’s ear to help prevent ear infections by draining fluid that gathers in the middle ear. Normally, this fluid would drain with the help of eustachian tubes, but eustachian are small enough in young children that they may not work as well as they will once children have grown. The tubes that are inserted into a child’s ear are made of metal, plastic, or Teflon, and they are so small that they’re difficult to see. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 are the mostly likely to benefit from a myringotomy, and the eustachian tubes in most children’s ears have grown large enough by the time they are five years old that they drain any fluid well enough on their own.

During Surgery

Your child will most likely be under general anesthesia for the placement of the tubes. The surgeon will clean the inside of the ear before making a very small opening to drain any fluid. This hole is also where the surgeon will place the tube into the eardrum. The procedure only takes about 10-15 minutes. Sometimes, the tubes fall out on their own and need to be replaced. Other times, your child’s eustachian tube has grown enough in the meantime so that once the tubes fall out, your child will no longer need them.


The risk of complications is very low. However, potential risks might include:

  • infections
  • a small hole in the eardrum that needs to be repaired


  • decrease in ear infections
  • hearing improvement
  • behavior and sleep improvement

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