Initial Check-In Process
You will be given a time you will be asked to check in at the provided Yellowstone Surgery Center location on the day of your surgery. (This is typically 1.5-2 hours before your scheduled surgery time.)
Billing and Insurance
Part of the check in process will include collecting insurance information and payment. Please review the information listed under Additional Procedure Information.
Patient Screening Process
If you have not already completed your Patient Screening Process with one of Clinical Nurse Liaisons (CNL), a member of staff will complete a nursing assessment and medical history.
IV and Anesthesia
You will go into Pre-Op, and prepare for your surgical procedure. For patients aged 10 years and older, will have an intravenous (IV) line started and will receive some fluids for hydration. Patients younger than 10 years of age (specific to not only age, but weight and height too), will have their IV started in the Operating Room.) These IV fluids will continue until oral fluids can be tolerated after surgery and IV pain medication is no longer required.
Your family member or significant other will be invited to sit with you until surgery, and you will then meet with your anesthesiologist. They will review your medical history, complete physical examination and discuss any concerns or questions you may have regarding anesthesia. You will be asked to sign the “Patient Consent for Anesthesia.”
What’s Next
You will then be transferred to the operating room by a nurse, and your family will be shown where to wait in the waiting room. If the patient is younger than 18 years of age, then the family must stay in the facility at all times.