What is Your Question?

We’ve compiled the most common questions associated with Surgical Procedures organized by type.
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Diet, Medication and Health Issues | Before Procedure | Day of Procedure | Recovery

  Why can’t I be sick prior to my procedure?

If you are sick in the days leading up to surgery, be sure to tell your surgeon. This includes a cold, persistent cough, fever, rash, open wound, current infection or any other health-related problems. The nature of the surgery and the severity of the illness are often the deciding factors in whether or not surgery will be rescheduled. Only your surgeon can decide if your symptoms are severe enough to lead to the delay or cancelation of your surgery. If you are experiencing a minor illness in the week prior to surgery, or a moderate to severe illness in the two weeks before surgery, notify your surgeon immediately.

For the safety of our patients and their families, we request that any family or friends that accompany you are also in good health.

  What sort of questions will be asked during the Patient Screening Process?

A Clinical Nurse Liaison (CNL) will attempt to contact you prior to your procedure complete the Patient Screening Process. The information the CNL collects will help your doctors be more equipped to properly care for you. Some of the items they will ask about include:

  • Medications and supplements: you currently take. Including any herbal medications you use. Include name of medication, dosate and the frequency it is taken.
  • Allergies: including specific allergic reaction to each medication or product
  • Previous surgeries: including date, surgeon and hospital/ clinic. Obtain pathology reports if tissue was removed.
  • Previous anesthesia: and if you or someone in your family has had any difficulties with the anesthesia or intubation (getting the breathing tube in).
  • Previous bleeding problems: including history of blood transfusions
  • Previous hospitalizations and ER visits: including dates, hospital, diagnosis and treatment.

Yellowstone Surgery Center is not connected to the SCL Health or Physician Provider Office Computer Systems and do not have access to health information they have on file at these locations.

Start the Patient Screening Process by calling the CNL department at (406) 237-5948 between the hours of 8:00 am – 2:00 pm.